Read To Succeed


Our 2024 Reading In The Schools Day was held on Friday, September 13th. It was a record-breaking day, with a total of 40 schools, 25,000 students, and 2,500 volunteers who participated.

This annual event highlights the importance of reading for elementary school students – in school, at home, and just for fun. Here, we partner with Murfreesboro City and Rutherford County schools to host volunteer readers in classrooms.

These volunteers include elected officials, current/former teachers, parents, student athletes, retirees, and other leaders. All are valuable role models who make a difference through creative storytelling and active engagement with students.

The investment we make is vital to seeing our children and schools succeed. This success is achieved through our partnership with the schools, the hard work of school coordinators and staff, and those in our caring community who are willing to share their time with students. Thank you to everyone who made Reading In The Schools Day 2024 one to remember!

We will be back in the schools to read again in September 2025. More information will be available in July.

Reading in the Schools Day Volunteer Form

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2024 Reading In The Schools Day Photos
2023 Reading In The Schools Day Photos